�Save Our Strays� deserves our support�

I am in slight disgrace with my business partner, Vicky, for not mentioning the winner of our Discover Dogs free draw sooner. It was Tania at Save Our Strays (SOS) Animals UK and, not surprisingly, she has decided to donate the prize � a whole year of Darling�s Real Dog Food � to feeding one of the rescue dogs in her care.

SOS is a small, specialised rescue charity that really deserves our support because they do work that no one else is really interested in. In a nutshell, half the stray dogs (and cats) in rescue centres on the Costa Del Sol are left there by ex-pat Brits who have decided to chuck in the good life and return to Blighty leaving their pets behind them. SOS works to re-house these poor animals.

Of course, the problem with strays in Spain goes much deeper. The country has one of the largest stray populations of dogs & cats in Europe. Furthermore, horrific cases of animal cruelty have been extensively documented, specifically directed towards the working dogs. It is not rare for the Podencos (Pharaoh Hounds) and Galgos (Greyhounds) to be hung when they have finished their working life, or to have their legs broken and be left to die. Neutering is not common, either, and few dogs are vaccinated. Basically, it is a pretty rough life.

Anyway, SOS Animals UK works with Spanish rescue centres providing volunteers, cash, medical supplies, bedding and � crucially � bringing dogs back to the UK where they can be re-homed.

Fantastic and important work that deserves to be supported.