The Pet Health Council is a bad, bad joke...

The Pet Health Council is, according to its website: 'Here to promote, inform and advise on the health and welfare of pet animals in the interests of both pets and people.' It is supported - financially - by the following organisations:

British Veterinary Association
Pet Care Trust
Pet Food Manufacturers' Association
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain

All these organisations are committed to the idea that there is nothing wrong with manufactured dog and cat food. This isn't suprising when you see where their vested interests lie.

The British Veterinary Association receives substantial funding from the pet food and pharmaceutical sectors.

The Pet Care Trust is registered as an educational charity. They have some very odd aims including: 'Stop the Health and Safety Executive gold-plating the European Biocidal Products Directive through its insistence that manufacturers conduct prohibitively expensive tests on the active ingredients of biocidal products that have been on the market for many years.' Biocide is a chemical substance capable of killing living organisms. Basically, they are a representative body for pet shop owners and groomers.

The Pet Food Manufacturers' Association is exactly what you would expect. Their members are the processed food manufacturers that produce the food that some vets now believe is causing so many medical problems in dogs and cats. No shortage of funding there, let me tell you!

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain is not, of course, involved in dog and cat food. Their vested interest (you see their name cropping up elsewhere in the pet care sector) is in promoting the idea that drugs are the best cure for what ails all of us - human, canine or feline.

Anyway, back to the Pet Health Council. Nowhere on its website could I find any information about raw food or the possible dangers of vaccinating pets or the problems associated with over medication or the successes that have been achieved by so-called 'alternative' methods such as homeopathy. In short, they are a simply there to whitewash the vested interests that support them. The best advice they seem to be able to offer pet owners is to make sure that their dogs have plenty of water. Pah.